We were able to introduce our friend Mary to Emora. She loves babies and we went on a walk to see the tractors and someone's chickens. The cows weren't in the field this time around, but the kids found plenty to look at. Dominique kept gathering stones off the gravel road, then found this stick. She loves dresses and pretty thinks, but also likes to get dirty and play with bugs. She has even caught a couple of flies with her hands in the house and brings them to me. Funny girl.
Brian has been getting plenty of projects done and things fixed around the house. Ivan loves to "assist" him and Dominique does too, but she needs her naps so doesn't always get to participate. It's amazing how Ivan soaks up every detail. He already knows more than I do about carpentry and lawn mowers. He was telling me all about the different saws, which ones cut metal and which ones don't, the lawn mower's filters and which one ours uses... Crazy how fast they learn.
Olivia, Tighe and I try to get together once a week or so for activities with the kids. It's pretty nuts when we are together and now I see why. Just look at all those little kids! I don't know how day cares do it. We have three adults and it gets pretty hairy, but is so worth it. We all love to be with our friends and create memories together.
Ivan and Dominique with Dora inspired dance.
I can't get the video to work. I'll just have to be happy with the beautiful faces in the other pictures.
i think i fixed it now try again.
Like those "groovy" moves Ivan and Dominique.
It looks like they are enjoying their new clothes.
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