Tomorrow we have invited friends to come to our home to speak words of blessing, promise, hope, goodness, prophecy, love... over Emora. We would love for you to share in this celebration with us by writing a message for Emora. These will be spoken over her not only now, but throughout her growing years. We believe in the power of our words and that the messages spoken to her from heaven and from our hearts/soul/minds will have a great influence on her. Feel free to post a message here or e-mail me at:
We are excited to know who our daughter is and are full of joy for her future with us and in the world. We know that she is so very precious and that it is a huge privilege for us to be able to speak life and love over her.
Emora, may you be brought up in a loving atmosphere where you will learn to love and be loved, where you will appreciate God's creation, God's word and God's presence.
Love you
Grandpa Ian
Ian, you took the words right out of my mouth. These are things we pray as parents for our children, and now we have the opportunity to express them for our grandchildren. We love you Emora.
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