Emora looks so huge when Dominique holds her like this. I had them lay down to compare sizes and had their feet all lined up, but Ivan kept scooting up to look taller and Emora wouldn't keep her legs straight.
This is a special tribute to Uncle John... He doesn't appear often in our web cam visits and when he does, he usually only lets a voice or arm float in, so the kids have started to call him "mystery man". Jenn, John and Imogen are coming to see us for Easter and we are looking forward to seeing them, but right now, it appears that mystery man has stolen the show. Ivan told me just a few days ago: "I'm ready for mystery man to come, because Dominique and I are so excited about mystery man."
I see myself in Ivan at times, or maybe it is just that devious older sibling streak. We have tried to get the kids to play on their own if we are trying to sleep in. Through the door, from the hallway the other morning I heard Ivan WHISPERING very LOUDLY: "Dominique knock on the door... they won't spank you". I thought it was so funny that he was whispering so loudly and I hollered back at them "yes, we will". Then the hall was silent, but for some giggles.
Giggles are so cute & the loud whisper is precious. Great pictures as usual. LOVE the hair do's.
Emora is growing so much. Any new info on check-ups?
Emora doesn.t look to happy about the comparisons. The other two better watch out because, often a younger sibling can turn out to be the biggest when grown up.
Love you guys.
Love the hairdos. Emora did get a gift from mom, her pout.
Love you all
What a great library, and good activities. The "crazy hair" was such a neat theme. I wouldn't have thought of "rattlesnake hair". Good idea mom!
Emora will have her 2 month check up this coming Fri. so I'll post about it then.
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