Saturday, November 15, 2008

starting month 8!

This week I start the 8th month of this pregnancy. Time is really speeding up as we will be celebrating American thanksgiving, saying "goodbye" to the Aim boys, gearing up for Christmas and my parent's arrival, then welcoming this baby into our home. I have a whole list of things I could be doing right now as the kids take a nap, but here I am posting pictures and telling stories ;) We took some pictures of my growing belly, so I thought I'd share some of them with you.

Today I took the kids to get their flu shots. I wish all their doctor's visits could be so fast and easy (although they screamed like crazy and I had to wrestle Ivan on the table). They are sleeping now. I got my shot a couple of days ago and haven't gotten sick from it, so I was thankful for that. I'm a minimalist, so I figured we wouldn't get it, but my OBGYN recommended it and when I went online it said that it helps keep the baby protected some after her birth, plus that it would be really bad if I got sick while pregnant. Not to mention that we all got the flu last year and it was absolutely horrible. Maybe this will help us not get it again. I can't imagine going through that again with a newborn!

Last night I got totally spoiled by a couple of dear friends. It was their birthday gift to me, but we weren't able to schedule it until now. They cooked up a delicious exotic meal, gave me a pedicure, braided my hair, gave me a massage, desert, coffee and wonderful conversation with no toddler interruptions! It was so wonderful.


Ian said...

You look "swell" Angela!

GMS said...

Beautiful skin, too.
Didn't notice any stretch marks, either. They say it's in the genes

Kimberley said...

Lookin' good!

I get the flu shot each year. It hope it works as well for you.