I took the kids to their first doctor appointment today and found out that it was long past due. I had been procrastinating because I was dreading taking them. I hated going to the dentist and the doctor's has just now gotten to be a tolerable outing, plus I had helped a friend take a child to one of the few dentists approved under medicaid and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. They were hard to get a hold of, rude, impatient and insensitive. Plus our pediatrician kept telling us it wasn't necessary as long as they don't have candy all the time, plus we didn't use bottles or do lots of juice... He recommended having him checked before school, sometime when they were 4. He would look in their mouths and say they looked good. So I errantly thought they were ok. Well I guess the pediatrician is no dentist and I shouldn't have let my bad experiences dictate the day, because Dominique has the start of a cavity they are just going to watch and Ivan has 7 cavities! I was horrified to say the least. I just couldn't believe it. The good news is, that it's all baby teeth and they can fill them as soon as we get back from thanksgiving.
The pictures are from a jam time at our friend's who live out of town. Ivan had a turn on his daddy's bass. The things on his fingers are called funk fingers and make the notes do a cool popping like sound (I think), plus they helped Ivan actually reach the strings with his short fingers. He loves to play with his daddy. Dominique had fun playing the drums and dancing the night away. It's always cool out there since it's out of town and they play in a covered, but open air stage with fields, forests, a meadow and a herd of deer in the background.
So, do you have fillings? lots a few? how were your dentist experiences growing up or as an adult?
oh yeah, Kool Smiles is the name of the place that I took them to upon the recommendation of my friend Tighe.
Oh, my the similarities continue - I have to give my kids chocolate milk to get them to drink milk too, and I still haven't taken them to a dentist either. I really didn't think you had to until they were 4ish - guess I was wrong.
Guess I should grit my teeth and do it too!
I think I had one cavity and I was shocked to find out about it. I thought I was doing so well...
I can't remember when mom took us the first time to the dentist. But as kids we went twice a year. (Now I am going once a year.)
Her trick was to explain to us what the doc would do. We didn't build up any fear (I am rather bored by doctors).
Once she didn't know that the dentist would pull a tooth and so she couldn't tell. My brother was the "victim". He pulled it, my brother was strong, we left the dentist and as soon as we were out of there he yelled at my mom why she didn't tell him the doc would do that. Mom felt so bad about it. *lol*
As kid I had serveral cavities. Just some month ago during my check up she found two. My teeth have groovings and so sometimes I miss a spot. But these are the first cavities in, uhm, 5 years or longer.
Btw, you should let them brush their teeth in the morning too (if you don't already do that).
Grandpa Ray still has excellent strong teeth with no cavities in a long time. I am the opposite & even had a crown fall right out recently. I have a cavity now that needs to be filled 12/2.
My daughter's teeth are good but both my boys' not so good.
The only cavities I have were when my teeth had braces. I never had one before or after.
I too had hopped the kids would get Brian's teeth. My experience at the dentist as a child. Dreadful. I don't think they like children, even though they were children dentist. They wouldn't let our mom in the room with us. Boy that was scary especially when they turn the drill on. In my adult life I've had a number of root canals and crowns. Thankgoodness for dental insurance. I think if you have soft teeth there's not much you can do to keep Mister Tooth Decay away.
I'm glad to hear that about that training toothpaste. I'm going to quit using it right away. I have been feeling bad realizing that Kellen probably averages only once a day and if we get home late and he's sleeping not at all...but I'm going to quit feeling bad about it and change it!! Thanks for the dental reminder!!
Love the pics too! I love how they want to be like dad!
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