The day would have been much rougher if we had had to go to the emergency the night before. Dominique was spinning and throwing herself on Big Buddy's couch when she missed the couch and hit the back of her head on a coffee table with a glass top laying on top of it. I ran to her and picked her up and felt wet- hoping it was sweat. When I pulled my hand away, it was red and I rushed her to the kitchen to try to locate the cut. She had blood everywhere and I had to basically rinse out all the back of her heair to find where the gash was. By the time I found it, she was ready to get down and it was already coagulating. It was not in need of stitches, but I did call the doc on call to find out about concussion rules and such. It happened to be our pediatrician and he said if she wasn't knocked out, she should be ok. I'm glad and surprised that nothing has happened before this considering how much she throws herself around.
I don't know if you will be able to see this video at all since it was so dark. It's Dominique and I skating at the roller rink. On a funny note, Dominique's latest expression is: "I'm busy". The other day, I was laying down and she came to join me. I asked her to rub my back, so she did for 5 secs. Then asked me to rub hers. So I did, then said it was my turn again and she replied "I busy" and hopped off the bed and away she went.
Here is Ivan "reading" Angela's airplane by Robert Munsch. I started recording him when he was already a couple of pages into it. He's really good at memorizing. It's nice that he can "read" some on his own now sometimes.
Didn't I used to read that book to you?
That is always so much fun to watch and listen to the books they "read". I miss those days. But I still have plenty of fun with mine.
YEAH!!!! I am sooooo pumped that I have your blog located now! You are so sweet and an incredible blessing to me. Thanks for your comment. It would be so crazy if the Lord brought our baby home to use before your sweet baby was due! That would make me laugh for sure! I will definitely keep up with your blog. I hope Dominique is doing ok. I was so sad to read that she had been hurt. I am not sure if Tighe told you, bu we may recruit your help to fold our announcements if you have time. But, this time the boys will watch the kids! We'll get in touch. Blessings! Luv ya! Olivia
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