Thursday, January 24, 2008

His birthday party

Saturday we had friends over for deserts and drinks. I couldn't believe all the people who showed up. We have a lot of friends- and they are so fun. A bunch of them have musical abilities, although Brian didn't say to bring instruments- apparently a few just carry them with them like they would a favorite hat. The kids totally loved the impromptu, unrehearsed "concert" with juggling by Brian's old roomate who has moved back to Abilene. There were tons of kids and they were great at just entertaining themselves. So I actually got to talk to adults and enjoy the evening. So much more fun than kid's parties when we are juggling food and trying to get games going. The kids were so cute. I had a video of the major ball war- Ivan has a huge toy submarine with about 100 plastic balls that he can play and roll in and the kids had instigated a boys against the girls all out war, hurling the balls across the room. Then they made their own dance/party music time- so I had to post that too.

The totally cute moments were the girls. There were two girls about age 5 and when the second one arrived, the first when went straight to her and took her hand at the door and started talking to her. I asked her mom if they knew each other from school or something and she said no and "make sure you ask her name" to her daughter. Well a little while later- look who was holding hands too. There must be some inbuilt sweetness in girls that says let's make friends and hold on tight to someone special. There's something inbuilt in boys too, but somehow their message came out: look a friend, I'll tackle him!

1 comment:

Ian said...

A party, and you didn't invite me?