Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Ivan funnies vol.8

Ivan made up his first joke. It's pretty amazing, since he can't actually make sentences yet or use more than about 3 words- mamma, dadda, and nana (which means everything else, he uses it from morning to night, more than mamma or dadda). So this is how his joke goes. He's made up a new voice. It's kind of gravelly and deep, making him sound a bit like a muppet. He uses the voice with long strings of syllables, like he's monologuing in his very own language. The first time he did this, I laughed and he realized it was funny. So now he does it just to make me laugh. Only sometimes as he is about to start, he gets himself so tickled about it that he can't go on and bursts out in laughter himself. You can tell he is trying to get the voice out and instead he looks and laughs, like when you have a really good joke you can barely tell because you are laughing so hard yourself!

Ivan decided he doesn't like vegetables as much as other foods, so mommy was trying to trick him by putting carrots in one of his favorites (refried beans in a tortilla). He wasn't fooled. He just spit out the carrots. So then, I chopped them up in tiny pieces and tried again, but then he just refused to eat it. He won that round, but he gobbles up his oatmeal every morning, even if it has pumpkin in it (momma won that round!) He does eat veggies if they are mixed in a stir fry or soup, but mommy and daddy don't want to eat that every meal.

Ivan thinks he's a big boy here, and he's getting there with each new skill. Ivan is learning to drink out of small glasses. If he grabs a glass of water, he just pours it towards his mouth, dumping it all over himself, then he pulls on his shirt (like- hey, this is all wet!) If I help him get it started, he can drink and tilt it the glass pretty well without spilling, but then he doesn't know to tilt the glass back up when he's done. He just keeps it at the same angle and pulls it away from his mouth, effectively spilling it all over himself again!


Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I like the last picture very much.

Btw, you package arrive but it is still sealed up. I will not open it until Christmas, though that would be the 24th. I'm looking forward to the content.

Anonymous said...

He just keeps getting bigger every day. Arent children amazing! I was looking a past pics i have saved of him and can't wait to finally meet him. He does seem to have a definite personality. Well i cant wait to see what he does next. although i would not mind reading a little more about you and brian. i want to hear about all the family. especially the soon to be! love ya Lin