Here are some more pictures from Nana's visit. Was it only last week? Time sure flies! I always anticipate visits from family and then it's gone so quick and seems so long ago in a short time! Oh, well, that's life I guess.
A couple of weeks ago or so, I was sure that Dominique was cutting her 8th tooth and kept looking for the missing front tooth, but it never appeared. I was totally shocked when, a couple of days ago, I noticed (in her wide open screaming mouth) that a molar had popped through! I was filled with awe, surprise, sympathy and the realization that I was right in that she had been teething, but not the tooth I was anticipating.
She has also surprised me recently with lots of new words and her first sentences! Ivan and I were singing the clean up song from library time as we put toys away. Dominique started chirping "ean up, ean up" as she threw toys in the box. The next day, I noticed that she also says "thank-you". None of it is very clear, so she may have been saying lots of intelligent things without us comprehending it, but these two phrases came out pretty clear. I would have never guessed that her first sentence would be "clean up"! Thank goodness for somewhat tidy kids.
Are you pretty tidy or somewhat disorganized? Do you sing songs as you go about your daily chores?
When we are running with our schedule, we are tidy, and organized. I have yet to find a balance in the summer time. It's like by the time summer comes, I want to kick back and relax, but then everything falls apart...order turns to chaos without the running of the schedule. now that we are back in school, it's been lovely. I have more purpose then when I'm just putting out fires all day.
In the background of Ivan's video I noticed that you had a carpet partially rolled up and some casing laying down on the floor. Were you doing some renovating?
No renovating.
Nana gave us a bunch of rugs and sheers/drapes from her house. That is what you see.
Cleaning? What is that? When do you have time with two kids? I finally gave up and let the kids have the house. Of course, this means no guests over but oh well. Seriously, Harley got a great cleaning streak, I am not sure where she got it from but I am so thankful for it. She keeps me in line! Love Ya!
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