Nana came for a couple of days. It was so good to be together. She read and read and read some more. So nice to have someone share the JOYS of reading about Baby Bop and her syropy happy days over and over. It was like a vacation for me. Someone entertaining the kids while I get to have an uninterrupted shower is sheer delight. She also took us out to eat, which is a total treat for us and means I don't have to cook! The first night I didn't even sit beside a kid, which meant I got to just focus on my food and the enjoyment of it. AHHHHH ;) Most days I barely taste what I'm having as I'm cutting, pouring, mopping, wiping, spooning...
She also took us shopping. Nana found out that Dominique likes necklaces and bought out Claire's (I got some stuff too ;) Ivan picked out new pyjamas at the store for himself. How nice of him! But he wasn't all selfish, he also picked out some things for Dominique which he just took off the rack and put in the cart! Nana thought Ivan needed some new shoes; Ivan thought he needed the GREEN ones. It is nice to get new things and we know that Nana loves her grandkids and us a lot (and not just by her credit card bill- sorry about that!!)
Ivan was having a long conversation with someone telling them all about Nana's visit and his new shoes... but didn't like getting caught on video.
aw he was being shy! how cute!
Nana had a good time sharing with her favorite grandkids. Ivan, Nana hopes you have sweet dreams in your new PJ's. Dominique I know you'll win "best of show" in your new jewelry and hair bows. I'm glad you were able to have some well needed relaxation time Ange. It was certainly my pleasure!
I'm glad that "Nana" can visit often (at least more often than we can) and can spent some time with Ivan and Dominique. I hope that we will be able to get together at Christmas time.
Nana's are GREAT!
They just love to buy and spoil little ones.
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