Monday, September 24, 2007

Her barely perceptible dance moves (the bob/ leg crunches) and his energetic leg kicks.

Whoever invented these was a genius. No child was injured during this jump session- an added bonus.

Your turn:

Do you remember dancing as a kid? on your own? with parents or siblings?

What child play equipment have you been injured on?


Madame Angela Baggett said...

I remember aunt Marj rounding up a bunch of us and cousins for some line dancing- too fun.

I was hurt on a trampoline, my own fault, I wasn't jumping on it, but playing on the support bars.

Deana said...

i jumped on bunk beds that weren't attached. we would jump from one to the other...and i fell...and cut my ankle on the bed frame.

we still dance...a LOT around here. while cooking...or cleaning...or playing. my mom used to dance while she cleaned. and she would twirl us around!

Davis Family said...

Ivan got da moves!!

Ian said...

Your expecting her to dance while she is holding an armful of stuff? That doesn't seem fair.