Saturday, January 18, 2014

in the land of the living

Sorry it's taken me so long to post here!  It's just been a hectic time for us, so the blog has not made it on the list of survival items for the day!  I've had a ton of sub days in Dec. and Jan. -basically everyday unless I was sick, which has occurred some too.  I guess if you're subbing for sick people, there is a higher than staying at home likelihood of getting what they had.

Last weekend, Dominique got a bad cold and next up was Ivan.  I started feeling icky, so I slept all weekend and started off the week subbing feeling fine, but by Wed. it had caught me again- with Ivan and Dominique also missing some days and I actually had to cancel a day I'd already agreed to sub.  So I've been taking it really easy this week trying to make sure this thing is really gone.  I've got 2 days in kindergarten this week and some other days too, and let me tell you, you've got to be at the top of your game to be in kindergarten!  Kudos to my amazing sis and to all the other kindergarten teachers out there.  It's lots of fun, but it requires constant attention and lots of energy!

So, I'm sure you didn't come to hear my whine, but I wanted to share my apologies for not getting anything posted much this year to date!  Maybe I can convince Brian to come on here from time to time when my weeks get full ;)  He has been doing an admirable job picking up the slack around here.  These were pics from Christmas time.  Nana and Papa came from Texas and we had a day in the city.  We went to a new to us museum.  The kids liked the statues in the foyer and that was about it.  They were twits through each room, taking a five second look at "boring" paintings and being more than ready to leave.  They would lay on the floors, hang upside down off ottomans and seats in the rooms and loudly proclaim "We are ART and we are called "bored at the library!"'  When I caught on to their antics, I laughed and laughed.  Of course I couldn't take their picture in the galleries, so I made them recreate a pose once we'd excited.  Thankfully, a kind and understanding guard asked us if we'd been there before and if we'd found the create art room yet.

That made the kids forgive us our BORING time looking at art... because now it was their turn to create.

So it went from them begging us to leave-- then it became me begging them to leave.

We tried to be patient as they created, but it was way past lunch time and I got hungry! and we had many more items on the agenda, some that we had to nix when we realized how much time we really had spent in the gallery!
Each of the kids created at least one masterpiece.

And they found more statues back in the foyer, which they absolutely had to pose with.
Kids are awesome!  And it's so good to be in the land of the living again and have some energy!  Stay tuned for more... but maybe kind of sporadically if that's ok??


GMS said...

Whatever you can do is GREAT! Both the words and the pictures.

Nana said...

They really did have a good time, didn't they!