Monday, December 23, 2013

oops- ok, catch up for about all of DECEMBER!

So I've figured out some pretty elementary things about subbing.  That first month of school, jobs are slim to none, but come Dec. you could fill your docket.  Sorry I haven't been posting here, but life got a bit hectic there.  First of all, Brian was able to make a surprise visit to his dad in NY for his dad's 70s birthday.  During that time, I had several sub job days and 3 kids to take care of, with some help from friends and relatives.  I did learn that I'm thankful for all the things Brian does to help.  I felt like we were juggling a dozen balls while he was away... but it was so worth it.

Here is the front door to the Baggett manor.

Brian's dad- grandpa Ray enjoying an iced tea at a cafe.

They went for a few walks and enjoyed having a week off together.  (Grandpa Ray had scheduled the week off to celebrate his birthday, not knowing that Brian was going to be there too!)

They had an early thanksgiving meal.

Brian enjoyed the not so cold temperatures of NY and came home to build this...

They are still working on it and building it.  It now has big wall sides that keep them from conking themselves out in the picnic table and they are building an underpass at the end of the run.

This was Ivan's brainchild BTW- but I have noticed that the daddy has done most of the work for the project and with gusto may I add- while I keep my not wanting to get cold self indoors!  I've become a total wimp this year and it doesn't help that it's the coldest year ever!

1 comment: said...

I really had a great time with your post! I am looking forward to read more blog post regarding this! Well written!=)