Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Showered in pink love

I didn't think people had showers for their second baby, but one of my friends wanted to host one for me. They threw it together last minute (as in a few days), so a lot of friends didn't make it. I was surprised therefore by the big turnout. Of course, my hosts come from a huge hispanic family, so they were a bunch to start off with. Here is Marisol, me and her sister-in-law (my neighbor).

Even a great-granmother came who I had never met. Then we had quite a few from the neighborhood, which was fun, since the party was accross the street from me. Other friends also made the trip over. Most couldn't stay long, so our group picture is 1/2 to 1/3rd of the actual guests.

It was another English/French/Spanish fiesta which totally messes me up! I'd start a sentence in French and switch half way through to Spanish! We ate and played Spanish bingo, with great prizes (I won three times!)

They had a cake with "La bebe" written on it and I got great gifts including clothes, diapers, diaper bag, swing... I actually have a couple of swings handed down from me with Ivan, but this one looks like it will do what the other two did and I have one loaned out to a friend who also happens to be pregnant, I hated taking it back from her. So now I can let her keep it for her next and Jennifer and Kim will be happy to know that the 2nd child will have something NEW just for her!

More baby news... Our doctor visit yesterday went well. If you want the technical details, read on, if you're queazy (DAD) skip to the next paragraph! I already like this hospital better. We went to check if I was pre-registered, and they had my information in the system, but also let me fill out more so that I won't have to worry about it during all those critical moments when the baby is arriving. I thought that was so tacky when I was having Ivan, "just sign these for us and let's explain them to you as you push a not quite 10 lbs baby through a little hole!" I would have signed about anything just for them to get those papers out of my face! They also have shuttle service to your car. I asked the guy if he'll be there when I deliver, and he said sure as long as it's before 4pm. Our daughter has been informed! She is still head down. The doctor estimates that she is about 7 or 7 1/2 pounds. I'm dilated to a one, which is more than last week, but my cervix is still up high. She doesn't expect us to go early and thinks we may want to induce if she gets big (which we don't). Next week, she is out of town, so we will see one of the other doctors in the same practice. That should be interesting!

Ladies in our swim class often ask me what is the most necessary baby item to have, or what I like the most. I tell them that I had thought pre-Ivan that the digital camera was an indulgence, but that now I would sacrifice a crib over the camera if I had to choose! Ivan's already going to change to a big bed and he can sleep anywhere, but time really does fly, it's easy to forget and those pictures capture the moments from day one, helping you watch the miracle and joys of this precious life, budding, growing and changing by the day! All the rest of the stuff is good too, but to me the pictures and videos are priceless!

If you have kids, what baby item could you "not live without"?


GMS said...

As a former La Leche League Leader, I would have to say the God given and designed breast milk.

Ian said...

I liked the Jolly-jumper but the very best thing was the Snuggly that we bought. We could carry you around with us and still have our arms free whether we were shopping or out for a walk.