Monday, October 16, 2006

Trio dance

Don't watch me during this video. I didn't know Brian was recording (not that I would have done anything more spectacular), plus I was a sweaty mess. I had actually thought I'd try to work out by jumping rope, since you burn calories really fast that way. That's when I realized that I don't really like jumping rope, plus Dominique was crying and since the music was on, I tried dancing with her instead. Ivan couldn't resist and joined in for the fun, while his dad took unsolicited camera footage.

Ivan loves a party and loves to dance. I sing him a little song every morning, sometimes he yells no to me, other times he smiles along and some times he just breaks out and dances. I usually get applause at the end too, which is so fun. He's the only one who applauds my singing (understandably so). Ivan's favorite dance is to spin in circles, his second favorite dance can be seen briefly about half way through the video. He dances on one tiptoe and flings his arms. I love his freestyling!

Do you dance? With others? In the view of others?


Madame Angela Baggett said...

Usually I just dance by myself when I feel like it, but now that I have my miniature partners, we have little dance parties regularly. I always wanted to learn to dance and love to watch others or join in.

Anonymous said...

You did a good job there!

I love dancing but usually I don't go out too much in Germany. However, here in Ireland it is somewhat another story and I love it. I was sore the other day from dancing. *lol* And yes, I do dance with other people and they usually watch me. *hihi*

Oh, did I ever mentioned that I did ballet? I guess that explains it a bit.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha...I dance everyday...for an audience of one. It seems to be the only way I can make Max laugh. I don't know if I should feel flattered by that or not! ;)

I also dance in the kitchen...there is something magical about the kitchen that way...when I was little I would dance with my mom in the kitchen...and now when I cook I dance to my own music or whatever is playing...and if my sister and I are both in the out!

That was very cutevideo by the way!

GMS said...

Great rhythm!!!!!!

I sometimes dance with my "old residents" where I work. They think I'm just as crazy as they are.
That way I fit right in.