Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Grandpa you forgot...

Dear Grandpa Ray,

I think you left a couple of things behind in Texas.
You'll never guess what they were, but these pictures should give you a clue, among them are evidence of the beautiful weather since you returned home, our last picture taken with you and a grandchild, and two little goofy kids who enjoyed your stay with us.


jenn with two n's said...

Too cute. Too funny. Beautiful memories for when Ivan and Dominique are older.

Ian said...

The glasses!

Anonymous said...

The hat!!!

*lol* I like the new design you have.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the goofy kids also.

They say that leaving something behind means you want to return, but that should be obvious. I realized that I'd left my shades and hoped they'd be put to good use. If they make Ivan remember his Grampa Ray, then they could not serve me better.

Dominique looks good in any hat, but it warms my heart to see her in that Marine hat.

I miss all of you.