Thursday, April 17, 2014

starting off a long weekend and welcomed break!

I love breaks with my kids!  The kids love breaks with their friends.  We are at the start of the Easter break and we are looking forward to going to Stoon and seeing cousins and meeting my new nephew, of going swimming and not having to do SCHOOL!  Ivan was hanging out with his buds after drama (this his spiked hair).

We are coming off a very busy season that is not quite over so it's nice to have a reprieve.  Ivan had tons of drama sessions to attend and participate in and that same weekend, Dominique had a dance competition 1.5 hours away.  Emora was dragged to much of their stuff.  Some of it she loved (the dance), some of it was a bit much for her (hours of plays).

We are so ready for winter to leave.  We have pulled out the bikes, I'm anxious to get the kayak out and soccer is around the corner, but in the meantime, there may be one or two snowstorms left to this winter that doesn't know well enough to leave us be!

But I know the snow will leave and the cold will go.  We started some seeds and are looking forward to garden time.  The kids have already started playing on the backyard swing set, playing soccer, getting on the tire swing- which makes me so happy, carrying on it the memories of Abilene and even back to my childhood of a tire on a chain and turning in the sun.

Looking forward to holding my new nephew--- yeah!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I, too, look forward to no snow though we had snow Monday. I've cleaned my snow boots and packed them away, bought hanging baskets of pansies, and doing everything I can to move forward. The old timers, however, say that we've had snow as late as mid-May. That would be a bummer!