Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Some beauty in winter

We have been running a series of Family Fitness Classes this winter.  Unfortunately the only night that would work is the worst night for my family as Dominique has dance and Ivan karate, but Emora and I get to join in the fun.  This was the first night and a HUGE success.  We offered badminton with the lovely Moira (my cousin's daughter).  Badminton in the gym- which was packed and a kid zone.  The next week was belly fit, then dance, then yoga, next we'll have circuit training and then taekwon do.  It's been a ton of fun for me anyways and hopefully a big benefit to families in our community.

Even if the cold can be miserable, I am still overcome each year with the beauty of it all.  I came back from my early morning workout to this one day.

The day was not only memorable with the trees dressed up in white and then pink as the sun rose and splattered color on the elaborate displays-- but also because it was the day that I found out Natsu (Summer) was born.  Natsu is Japanese for summer and is the given name of my brand new nephew born to my brother Andrew and my sister-in-law Andrea.  I was so happy for them.

I haven't gotten to meet Natsu yet, so I'm really looking forward to our trip to Saskatoon at Easter to see family and get to hold this little bundle of joy.

Ivan was quite pleased that they managed to create another boy cousin to add to the entourage!

We made these cranes at a school program and the girls and I decided that they needed to be flying in our window.  They are a joyful addition.

A few weeks ago, Emora decided a hair cut was in order and not just a trim this time, she wanted a short bob like her best friend's hair.  She was so excited about her big girl choice!

Dominique fought a brutal cold in March.  She ended up on antibiotics and missed an entire week of school.  In fact, we got a letter from the school telling us just how many days she'd missed that month and reminding us of the importance of her learning and catching up!!

No worries, we brought home her homework to help fill her days, 'cause this girl does not believe in naps, even when she is sick!  So glad she finally got over that.  Actually, we've fought a lot of colds this winter, I'm sure in part because we've had to be inside so much.  I am thankful we don't live somewhere with lots of pollution.  We can go outside and it help our health instead of the other way around!

1 comment:

Madame Angela Baggett said...

Oops - Jenn corrected me that Natsu is Japanese for summer- I guess I'm picturing in my head that summer is pushing winter aside with the big melt