Sunday, June 28, 2009

making bubbles

She can't quite blow bubbles in the pool yet. Well, let me rephrase that... she can make bubbles, but from the wrong end. This is Emora's favorite new trick. Not flatulence, that is a favorite OLD trick- like since birth. Her new trick is to blow bubbles and make bubbly noises. She is getting to be quite verbal. She talks all through feedings, both when I'm nursing, (she has these murmurs and sighs of contentment) and when I'm feeding her by spoon- she babbles away, perhaps telling me all about her day- I really have no clue.

In the pics Ivan and Dominique were jumping off the ladder onto a floating mattress like toy. It was pretty impressive, and I got videos of it, but who knows where I've got them to and I'm not about to look for them now. Plane leaves in 6 hours... OK, one more post to go...

Emora makes bubbles.


Ian said...

What a talented girl; I suspect this might appear in a review of her life when Emora gets married.

Katie said...

Emora's video made Maddy laugh out loud!! Keep 'em coming!! :)

NANA said...

We love all of the posts. We feel like we are around them everyday, and can watch them grow and all of their advancements. Way to go Angela!