Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Snaps: cute and quirky vol. 12

Kim, my faithful friend that I've had since kindergarten makes sure we remember our Canadian roots. Thank you Kim!! She even sent a book on how to be a Canadian in case I should forget. It has wonderful reminders like... of what it is like to get your tongue stuck to a frozen metal pole (which every Canadian has done or has watched someone do in horrified wonder making a strong enough lesson to keep one from trying no matter how tempting it may look and it is tempting, I don't know why, but frozen poles really do look delicious).

Dominique being cute and Ivan, quirky.

Just chillin' with my lil' sis.

Apparently Dominique was deep in thought when she inadvertently drifted off to lala land where she will continue to solve the world's problems. First item on the agenda: how to keep my brother from waking me up, or at least how to so induce myself in sleep that his wake-up tactics bounce off like so many counted sheep.

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