Monday, July 03, 2006

Due day???

It's the waiting game. Mom and I went to the doctor this morning for my weekly appointment while the guys did projects and babysat Ivan. That was a most excellent arangement since we were there almost 2 1/2 hours! Ivan figured out many appointments ago that the doctor's office was quite boring, so it's really best if he's not there.

Although our girl has not arrived, she is steadily getting ready. She is in perfect position, head down facing posterior. She's at a -1 meaning that she is very low in the canal and I'm dilated a little more than last week, now at a 3. So basically 1/3rd of the labor is done and we haven't really started serious labor yet. My doctor asked if I wanted to have the baby today or even Friday, but I declined, even though I know my parents are anxious since they only have 10 more days. I'm thinking she will come on her own this week and appreciate all prayers for a delivery soon, quick and easy. Dad said I'll have her in 30min. and that sounds pretty good to me!

Meanwhile, Ivan is glowing in the attention. Grandpa Ian has already determined that Ivan is highly intelligent and advanced for his age!! (What else can a grandpa say). He always said stuff like that about us, so matter of fact and scientific sounding that we could only believe him and so we often excelled. How could we not? Dad said we were so very smart (even when we got bad grades, he always believed we were very intelligent- I think this instilled confidence is what gave me the power to take on crazy projects like building the reading nook, when I really don't know what I'm doing and then it works out just great).

We'll keep you updated. A bunch of people are predicting the 4th. We'll see. Mom thought we'd have her last night and Brian had 2 dreams last night that I was having her- so it must be soon. Of course, if mom and dad drag me on another marathon walk again tonight, like we did last night, I may have her on the street. That would be interesting!!


GMS said...

Glad you have supportive family close by at this very special waiting time. As those experts say, "patience is a virtue". Just one that takes some time to develop.
We all anxiously await the big news!

Lady J said...

Happy to hear that you're progressing well and 1/3 of the way are 3x farther ahead of where I was after 12 long agonizing hours of labour! You go girl! So now instead of guessing the birthdate we've got grandparents guessing the length of the labour. Well since I'm out of the birthday pool with her not co-operating for the Canadians, I'll take a stab at this one and say 2hrs of labour give or take a little either way!!! Good luck! I am praying for you daily, that you have a safe and healthy delivery. Now go and have that baby...we can't wait to meet the princess!!!

Kimberley said...

When did you have bad grades? I've known you a very long time and I don't remember that ever happening!

Anonymous said...

Come on baby!!!!

Madame Angela Baggett said...

Thanks gms and Deana. Netts- that was how I was with Ivan, the day I delivered him I was at a 1 after a full day of pre-labor the day before.

Kim-Your memory is being kind to me. Our school didn't have F, only A-E and if you had 5 Es you failed the grade. In 5th grade, my report card showed 4 Es and a D-. I think the teacher was being nice, but dad sat me down and said that if I wanted to spend an extra year in school and watch my friends move on, it was up to me. I started studying the next year and caring about my grades. I remember crying over my first 0 on a test that I had actually studied for. I'd gotten plenty of 0s before, but hadn't ever studied, so they didn't mean anything.