Monday, February 20, 2006

She's a girl

Hugging our little girl!

We had our big sonogram with the sonogram specialist on his super-dooper sonogram machine. You could really see a lot on it. Of course, we were most interested in finding out that our next baby is a girl! I think Brian and I are getting better at seeing the images, because we both were seeing a girl before he told us she's a she. The specialist said she is definitely a girl and here's the proof! Poor girl, not even out of the womb and she's already flashed the world.

We saw her face beaming at us, her arms and feet waving and moving, the heart beat (156bpm), the inside of her head! Amazing! This picture is of her face from above and then from a more direct angle.

The first picture here is the heart beat and the second is the bottom of her darling little feet ;) It's so fun seeing the baby moving on the screen because she becomes so much more real to us. I guess in some ways seeing is believing! Ivan enjoyed watching the baby on the screen, then decided that he wanted to operate the sonogram himself, or at least get up on the recliner with his mommy. The doctor was very nice though and printed off a face picture just for big brother Ivan. I'm feeling lots of movement now, although she hasn't kicked hard enough for the daddy or brother to feel yet. Maybe by next month!


GMS said...

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!


Wish we could find out her name, though.

Anonymous said...

Awesome...I somehow thought she was a cool! Girls have way cuter clothes than boys! Congrats to you all!

Kimberley said...

I knew she was a girl. Congrats! Keep us updated often and the next few months will fly by!

jenn with two n's said...

I am so excited. Pella and I went looking at baby clothes for Janet's baby and yours....cute! I must warn you there is a whole lot of pink out there! I'm looking forward to meeting her in the meantime we'll see you and her big brother in April. Love ya.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

For the record, on the Nov. 18th post, I asked for your predictions, Andrea was the only one to guess a girl, nana, at that time you guessed a boy and Kim wanted to guess later, if you did, I'd have a hard time finding it now, so you can tell me where if I'm wrong. I find it hillarious that everyone knew (past tense) she was a girl after the sonogram ;) It is fun though!!! As for pink, no, this isn't my favorite color, but neither is jazz my favorite music and I figure who am I to dictate what my child should think. Now, should they grow up and say pink stinks or jazz sucks, I'll say those are MY children and never force it on them ;) at least that's my game plan at this point!

Lady J said...

CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for all of you! I will be the only honest one of the bunch and say that I was convinced it was a boy! Since I think you want more than 2 I thought the girl would come 3rd, after 2 boys, then you could call it quits! Will be nice to have one of case you decide 2 is enough!!!