Thursday, October 18, 2012

back yard fun

I'm liking how our weeping birch is looking in it's autumnal colors.  Emora picked out her own clothes this day.  The weather yesterday was crazy with wind, so most of these leaves are now sprinkled on the ground.  All of town looks like it's had a confetti party with leaves all over the streets, yards and roads.

I got a horseshoe set at a garage sale and it was missing the posts, so I told Brian that if they had any leftover rebar from the job site, we could use a couple of pieces and what do you know, there was some- perfect.

This was when we didn't know what Ivan's outbreak was on his face.  The kids all got impetigo and are now thankfully done with treatment and over it.  You can't tell from this side of his face, but the other side was all messed up.

Trying out the horse shoes.

And the fence- my little monkeys.

Then it was time for hopping on the stepping stones.  I am liking having the garden space free again.  Ivan and I are hoping for lots of snow.  I think it would be so fun to make a big quinzee and mazes in here.

Can you guess which one goes with which kid?

Ivan is looking forward to an all boys birthday party tomorrow.  The girls and I are going to go into the city to do errands, then SWIM!  We are excited.  Then we will come back and the boys will stay over for a sleepover too.

I'm excited to give Ivan his gift.  It's a surprise, so don't tell him... but this summer I found him a bow at a garage sale, only it didn't have arrows.  I saw on pinterest ideas of how to make arrows and started my project this week.  I didn't think it would take as long as it did, but after several days and lots of time of Emora and I in the garage, we made 8 arrows and a quiver, painted and ready to give to him.  He's going to love it!

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