Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Trip tales part 11

Nearly finished up with our trip tales. It's about time huh? OK, so confession time, I still haven't uploaded pictures off the camera since we got back. I need to though. They are so fun to see on the big screen and then I can share them with you too!

We started our stay and ended our stay in Abilene at the restaurant we loved the most there. SzeChuan. We used to go before it got all fancy, when it was a little hole in the wall restaurant with the best food in town and amazing chefs who cooked behind a glass viewing area. Paula (in red striped shirt) is the person who first took me there.

So, our first night in Abilene we ate there and our last night in Abilene we so happened to get to eat there again! We had never been in the fancy round room, so that was a special treat. The kids loved the round spinning center. I was thinking I need one for the cupboards, but definitely not for my table as the kids kept spinning it and driving me batty.

We got to enjoy several family traditions. Staying at Wynetta's was amazing and she shared her tradition of making cinnamon rolls for breakfast that she used to do with her grandson when he was little. She wanted to pass on the memory to my littles and they sure did love it.

They also remembered our own tradition of Brian making sausage biscuits. I have to boast a bit about a super duper friend ;) Tighe bought and brought us the makings for sausage biscuits twice! I found that God often brings me best friends who are just like my husband- probably so that I can understand him better. She likes meat or protein for breakfast and that's exactly what she wanted as a treat from Starbucks. When I think treat, I'm thinking sweet and (unfortunately) fattening- definitely not sausage!! But oh, the joy it gave them all was priceless. I'm seriously thinking I will have to bite the bullet and a) find ground sausage here and b) pay some outrageous price for it so that the kids and hubby can relive that pure delight in making their morning food.

One of the last people we got to see was Trish. She had a wii game that was kind of broke. It had a disk stuck in it. Well, you should have been here the night the kids were able to fix it! Oh man, there was screaming and dancing and yelling and prancing. So I'm not sure if I should say thanks or ACK!!! since I have another screen tool to kick them off of all the time, but it was nice in -40 when we really couldn't tell them to go play outside. Not to mention that even when it is warm, it still gets dark here early and there is much of the night when they like to play still.


Kimberley said...

You can get sausage meat at Safeway and I think Coop too. If you don't see it, ask at the meat counter.

Glad you had a good visit.

Ian said...

It is 28 C in the daytime but a little cooler at night so we are enjoying the Mexican winter (at least till Feb. 1.

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