Wednesday, May 04, 2011

growing, learning, loving

As the kids get older, we find ourselves exploring new things. Ivan and Dominique are in soccer and it's fun to see them out with other kids and learning from other adults. Unfortunately, my request of teams did not happen and we will be going in separate directions for every game meaning that we will never get to all be together for a game. This week, I've got to go an hour away for Dominique's game at 10am and Ivan plays here at 11. Ah well, it's just 2 months, but it would have been nice for them to match up better like it would have if she'd gotten on the other team. But we really like the coaches both of them have and these are the teams we know the least amount of parents on, so maybe we will get to make some new friends/acquaintances. And at least Brian no longer has to work Saturdays so that we can split up to get them where they need to be.

Dominique is also loving to learn to draw. I just found her some web sites. She says she wants to be a dancer, drawer, colorer when she grows up!

Emora talks up a storm when she knows you and is terribly quiet if she doesn't. She is very determined and wants to dress herself even though she puts everything on backwards. I'm wondering what the lake will look like again when all the water receedes.

The big kids are riding without training wheels, so happy to tear up and down our street.


Nana said...

When do their games start?

Ian said...

Thanks for the update.