Friday, November 19, 2010

A big day at school

Today was report card day at school. Ivan did great! He does need to work on writing and the teacher said that he goes off to "lalaland" at times, but can be easily redirected. Several places it mentioned what a joy he is to teach and how he is well liked. He didn't score well on describing things through drama or drawing. I could have guessed all of his report card before seeing it, but it was neat having had someone else figure him out too. Apparently all the work from last year paid off, she said he had all the readiness skills down. So now I have an excuse for making him do homework- haha. The teacher has been sending notes on things for them to practice, but he was doing so well, we haven't really made an effort. He is mostly forming letters correctly, they are just all different sizes and all over the page!! poor guy, never has liked working with a pencil- letters, drawing or even coloring. But the girls just love it!

We've been to several special programs at Ivan's school already this year. They are so creative and have so many great things. This was for the pre-k, kindergarten and grade 1s and families. It was a night on fire prevention. Ivan was being shy and didn't want to do the fire drill, until he saw his little sisters doing it over and over again!

They laid on a bed, heard an alarm, crawled to the door, checked the nob for heat, then crawled through a tunnel to safety.

Then they got to sit in a real fire truck!

We also got to go to an open house and see Ivan's class, his work, desk, where he hangs his winter clothes and their class' Smart table- a computerized table that they can do activities on by touching with their fingers.

We had some tag alongs that night- Arwen, whose parent's were showing their classrooms and meeting parents, and a couple of our neighborhood friends, so we saw their classes too and this fun school library with hand shaped chairs and puzzle pieces to sit on.

Next week, Ivan gets to go to the city with his class, on a bus, to the Globe theater to watch a drama production of "The Ugly Duckling". He is very excited about it.

I'm not sure how I ended up with such wonderful kids, but I am so very, very thankful. I just love being with them and hearing their stories, their giggles and all the "great, great" experiences they have- even when it's without me!


Ian said...

I'm glad that they are having positive experiences surrounding school.

GMS said...

Sounds great!
I always loved open houses at the schools when the kids were little.

Anonymous said...

How you ended up with such kids? You raised them, you should know. ;)

Madame Angela Baggett said...

thanks Andrea- but we can't take all the credit- I think there was a whole lot of awesome put in them before we had anything to do with it.