Thursday, October 07, 2010

Fire safety

Tonight we got to go to Ivan's school for an event. The families of preK, K and grade 1 were invited to a presentation on fire safety. It was so fun. There was a movie, a fireman went over safety tips, a couple of firemen showed us how they got dressed in all their gear and they had the kids listen to how they breathe so that if they ever heard the sound in a fire they would know it was a fireman on his way to get them. They told the kids if they couldn't get out of a room, to stay low and on a wall where the fireman would find them. Lots of things I didn't even know. Then they did a simulation, had the kids lay on a cot, when the fire alarm went off, they had the kids crawl on the floor to a door and through a tunnel. I forced Ivan to overcome his shyness and then all three of my kids went through it, the older kids a couple of times. They also got to go inside a firetruck and have snacks. The above picture is Ivan's desk.

This is the door to his class- room 17.

Here he is with his teacher.

On the homefront, we are still deep in renovations. All these walls are torn out. Brian moved the wall frames out and we've been insulating pipes, caulking, he's rewired some stuff and is trying to figure out exactly what other things we need and how to install them, like a sump pump and air to air exchanger, maybe also a dehumidifier? Everything is different from what Brian experienced in Texas with remodeling because of the winters here and humidity issues in the house, but it's slowly coming along. My cousin in taking the girls tomorrow for a couple of hours so that we can go at it together and try to get a bit more accomplished that way.

Meanwhile I think I have the best job in the world. I walked with the girls to the driver's licence issuers to renew mine and it was just glorious out. In fact, I got hot in my jeans and t-shirt. The girls and I did laundry and danced the afternoon away, to the point that we almost missed picking up Kellen from school. We had to run (me), bike (Dominique) all the way to school where my cousin's son was playing happily in his class. It probably wouldn't hurt if I had an alarm go off each day. I'd been having so much fun, I had no idea it was after 3pm. Brian asked me if I was picking up Ivan and clued me in that half the day was gone!


Ian said...

I see that Brian has his right-hand man helping him.

Kimberley said...

I wouldn't waste any money on a dehumidifier. Instead I would buy a humidifier. SK tends to be on the dry side (unless things are different in Ft. Quapelle).

Olivia said...

Is it really that cold there already? I am SOOOO jealous. I want to be bundled up and warm snuggly clothes!