Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Just a few pictures, my foot

Yesterday was one of those marathon days. We left Stoon about 11am after spending the morning packing up all our stuff, our dog and a few plants I'd gotten for Camp Cousins. Once in Regina, Brian took the van and girls on to Fort Qu'Appelle so that Ivan and I could do some shopping at Walmart and Superstore. Have I told you I hate shopping? I do, but picking out new plants was fun and I think I found my new favorite isle at Superstore- the bulkfoods. Tortillas cost a fortune here, but couscous was very affordable. I love couscous and I have with help, once made tortillas, so it is possible to do it again. Once home, there were groceries to unpack and suitcases to empty and curtains to hang.

Today I had several goals, many of which were accomplished even though it feels like I got so little done. I used up some of our sour milk in pancakes, cut Ivan's hair for his first day of school tomorrow, did some laundry and discovered that the washer only leaks with the oversized loads, then had the bright idea of hanging pictures. The new paint thanks to Brians hard work, looks fabulous and made our home feel so much better, then when we added the curtains I made all of last week, it really tipped the scales. I started thinking I could really settle in here and how blessed I am. I thought that hanging some pictures would be so great and then the unpacking could be done for now, since we need to renovate, we could leave the rest for when we have more house to put stuff in.

The boxes brought back memories of the nightmarish first week of trying to settle. There were a lot of boxes of pictures and with them more stuff, where do I put it all? The kids pulling it all out and making huge messes while I'm wondering why we even brought this stuff, and yet they are so full of joy to see things familiar and walk down memory lane through them. We get the kids in bed, the thought of it being Ivan's first day tomorrow a recurring theme. I call my cousin to make sure I know when to get there and he and I make his lunch together. So surreal. Is my first born really about to be in school? Crazy.

But not more than the boxes dilemne. We now have pictures all over the couch and tables, we laugh remembering them and remembering our life before this place and are hit with the same question of where? We got about half of them hung before conking out tonight. The dining room is shaping up and the kitchen, which has very little wall space is done, I think. Kid's room is nearly done. We still have the living room, our room and the hallway, but it is exciting to see it coming together.

It was also exciting to see our ceiling leaking water from the rain, but not in a good exciting way. It caused Brian to jump up from the dining table and crawl into the attic. Sigh, sometime we are going to get to the renovations, and Brian won't have to keep rushing to fix pre-existing issues.

Tomorrow will be a great day and I'll take pictures to show you the rooms once they are done.


GMS said...

So excited for you that a house is becoming a real home and school will be an exciting adventure.

Nana said...

Just remember, a home is always a work in progress. You put things in one place and then later change ita round and it looks all new again. Yeah, for the first day of school. He is growing up to fast, next thing you know he will be almost 40!!