Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Walking the dog

Grandpa Ray is a fan of the Dog Whisperer and we actually got to see some of the episodes recently. They and the fact that we are about to move and expose the dog to new people and environments, inspired us to try to get Saba leash trained and comfortable with traveling. We are most likely going to have her ride in the trunk of the van and put our luggage in the cab of the towed truck. We got her a muzzle, just in case she decides to bark all night in her new places and a leash thing that can be staked into the ground. She has been on a couple of walks and I don't know how that guy gets dogs calm and submissive in seconds, but she still dragged us for blocks on end. We're hoping practice makes perfect and are trying to take her out more regularly. Plus with me loosing a free pool a couple of blocks away, I really need to find a regular relaxing exercise to take up. I used to walk a lot before I had kids. Maybe I can rediscover the joy again?

It's funny because the show and the new doggie tools have got the kids all excited about Saba. We've had her all their lives and they've barely paid attention to her, except to harrass her, but now, suddenly, they are crying if they don't get to take her on a walk and want to help train her too.

do you have a dog? have you ever taken a dog to training school? do you like to take walks for relaxation/exercise?


Olivia said...

I love the Ceasar! They are so informative, huh? You are like "Super-Blogger-Woman!" I feel so behind on your posts. I love you guys so much! I have been practicing the jimbay drum to debute at your party! I may run everyone off! LOL. Love you ALL so much. I don't know what we are going to do without you around here.

Ian said...

The time before the move seems to be going by so quickly.

Lin said...

We never had Alicka trained and that was always horrible trying to get her back. I am working a lot with Vally to try and get her trained. We walk most every night because she is a big dog and I can't have her running wild. But we do watch Cesaer a lot!