Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air, but Abilene is a bit conflicted about it. We actually had barely perceptible snow flurries this weekend. Nothing enough to accumulate, but they were blowing down none the less. One minute we are in shorts and the next, we are pulling out wool socks and slippers. But at least it didn't freeze long or hard enough to kill the peach blooms. They are still bright pink jewels scattered all over our tree- not that we will get to see them mature or eat any of them, but it's still nice to see them develop.

We are praying that a couple of business partners who buy houses to rent will give us a fabulous offer on our home this week so that we can leave here with it all cleared away and money in the bank. Our hearts have also been turned to a couple of friends facing some hard times, so we were a little consumed with that last week.

This week will see us pretty busy also. Soccer starts back, we have our last week of swim lessons, I am subbing 2-3 water aerobic classes a day, plus my own 2/week and Brian's dad arrives Thurs. for a 3 week stay!! We are excited, the city is blooming and pretty, spring is here and we are taking it all in.

Emora just loves shoes. She often manages to get just one shoe on- hers or someone else's and walks around the house lop sided, or sometimes carrying the other. We are trying to get her to say words, but she prefers making little grunting melodies or voracious screams instead. She understands very well though, for the most part that is. Today she brought a towel out of the bathroom and dumped it on the living room floor. When I told her to put it back in the bathroom, she wasn't sure where it was and threw it in the trash instead. Well at least she got it off the floor huh?

Hope your springtime is bringing you beauty and joy as well.


Anonymous said...

By the look of delight on Emoras' face spring is beautiful.We all love it mom.

Davis Family said...

We are planning on making a trip to Saskatchewan this summer. I sure hope we can get by to see you guys too. I'd love for our kids to discover each other! God bless you all!

Ian said...

Go Emora!