Friday, February 19, 2010

Shot and limping

Wow, have I ever been delinquent here! Sorry didn't know so much time had passed. I guess I was taking a break. Which is a very dangerous thing to do with kids you know? Today I was laying down for a bit, not because I was trying to rest, but because my super duper friend was saving me about a million bucks today by giving me a shot at my home instead of at the clinic where she works. While I'm laying there, with my door closed and locked to keep the invading trio from coming and jumping on the bed or watching a little too aggressively, I hear Emora pulling things out of the hall closet where we have all sorts of toiletries stored, not a safe toddler space. So I get up to take care of her, close and re-lock the door, lay back down and hear:

"momma, we are making salt!" I didn't know exactly what this meant except that it couldn't be good. "How are you making salt?", I yell through closed, locked door as Trish preps my needles (again). "From the ceiling" they giggle- "stop that!" I yell. Yep, real relaxing when you can lay down for a minute. It was pretty funny while Trish poked me she kept asking if I was ok and telling me to breathe. The concern was so sweet and I'm thinking- the needles are not a big deal, especially since she was super gentle with me- it's the trio ransacking the house that I was more concerned with- do you have a needle for that?

Sometimes I wish that Mary Poppins would pop in through the ceiling and snap all that popcorn texture back where it belongs, take the kids on an adventure and clean their rooms with a song while she was at it! I think the kids would like that too, but since she hasn't shown up yet, they get me and we do have quite a bit of fun most of the time, except when I'm trying to lay down for a shot for example and they just HAVE to watch or make me miserable that I didn't let them watch!

picture explanation: Ivan was wearing my jacket and his dad's gloves.


Ian said...

I heard of the story of one mother who when hearing only silence upstairs would yell to her kids, "Pick up your pants!"

Kimberley said...

Next time you should let them watch. They might enjoy it.

Also - I hope that you aren't sick and that you were only getting a flu shot or something!