Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ivan "reading" to Dominique

Ivan has some books partly memorized. I don't think he really understands all of this book yet, but there is a part where a goose escapes and Ivan will pick up the book, open it and lament with an "ohhhhh no!"

My reading went through a weird progression. I guess that I liked books as a young kid, I don't really remember. I know dad did voices to the characters though. I hated reading while in elementary school. A fellow student (Jaime Partridge) did a book report presentation on Firestarter by Steven King in 7th grade. (Weird the things we remember huh? I can't remember yesterday, or important dates, but I remember how his presentation impacted me). The book actually sounded interesting, so I read it and became hooked on fiction from that day forward. I mostly read Steven King, but it got to where I could predict who would be killed off and the ending, so I ventured out to other authors. My school work dramatically improved as my passion for reading increased and I eventually went to college where I majored in reading! ha. I thought it was funny they'd give me a degree in my favorite hobby.

To this day I enjoy reading fiction. They are not only my little escapes, I feel like I learn to be a better person through them if that makes any sense whatsoever. Many times, I have found that books have spoken to me about aspects of my life, have taught me to love others more deeply and have drawn me closer to the Lover. They can also become my pitfall when I want to stay up all night reading and don't feed my family or something like that. Which I would NEVER do-- ahem, popcorn anyone? Popcorn is in a food group right? Sometimes I have to restrain myself and force myself not to take out any books for a while and return to the real world.

Do you like to read? What types of books? Do you have a favorite?


Lady J said...

READ? You have time to READ?! How do you do it all? It seems the more I READ your blog, the worse I feel about my organizational and parenting skills! How do you manage 2 kids under 2 yrs of age, to keep house, download pics, post blog entries daily and READ?! You amaze me! I wish I had your energy and supermom powers! Seems the only reading I do lately is when I get a few spare mins to myself late at night and I sneak onto your blog!!!

In all seriousness, I used to enjoy fiction, however since I became a mom, I don't have time or the energy it takes to read a whole novel, so I prefer to read magazines, picking and choosing the articles, according to how much time I no longer seem to have! I also enjoy books on parenting and self-improvement, again books you can pick up and read bits and pieces of, rather than cover to cover. Once you become a parent isn't that all you have time for anymore...bits and pieces of your former life?!?!?

My favorite book these days is "Raising your spirited child", my bible to understanding my son and forgiving myself. It's saved me over and over again, highly recommend it for parents of spirited and spunky kids like mine!

Janet said...

I was such a bookworm growing up. I remember some favorites...Beverly Cleary and Janette Oke. I even loved Shakespeare in high school. Then I went to college and I had so many textbooks to read, I quit reading for fun. Just this year I feel that I have a love for reading again. Not so much fiction anymore. My latest favorite was Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and am actually reading it again. I also love National Geographic. I hope when I have 2 kids I still have time to read!

Madame Angela Baggett said...

You've got a point Netts. I haven't actually read much in the last year, but since I am nursing again, I find myself sitting a lot, so I get to read again- although I have many more interruptions than when I just had Ivan. I'll read a page and then it's "Ivan close the fridge. No put that bread back. OK, you can watch your video" (Read a couple of pages) "Ivan get off the computer table, 1, 2..." Then I reread the section I have started 3 times already. Other times I read after they are in bed and pay for it the next day. I'm not a breastfeeding rigorist, so my baby has had cafeine from coffee in her milk. The momma's energy boost.

Anonymous said...

I love to read although it is not always fun at university. But I stick to it anyway. I had this Irish class and we read irish novels which was fun and funny.
My favourits...I love Shakespeare and JRR Tolkin. But actually I like all kinds of books: novel, fiction, poems, student newspaper. It doesn't really matter.

Now, Angele, of course you will get my adress. I need to look it up, it is a bit complicated because I live at the dorms.
I don't know if I will be home for Christmas. It depends on whatis going on at school and I still hope that Andrew will be able to visit me. Read my blog to be updated on what's going on. ;)

Unknown said...

I have read on average two books a month this year, which makes me feel a little guilty about how I could have spent that time in language study. But, I don't have a husband or kids to give my time to (hopefully someday soon those people will take up some of my time!). Right now I'm reading In the Absence of Sun, which is about a family getting their missing uncle from N Korea.

Eric said...

One of the early stages of reading is tied up with memorization. That is one of the reason why it is good to read the stories over and over that your children want to hear (sorry I teach parents about reading to their kids, I couldn't stop teaching here).

The latest book I have read is Phantom by Terry Goodkind. If you are a fan of the sci-fi/Fantasy and have not read his stuff, you gotta check it out.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

janet- funny, I didn't read for fun many years after graduating either. All read out I suspect.

Lela- I'm glad you are able to read. It's nice to have you stopping in.

Eric- thanks for the tip. I have enjoyed some sci-fi, but it's not my favorite. Maybe I'll look that author up!

Andrea- I'm impressed, you get Shakespeare and from another language! I have to have my sister explain the entire play to me and I grew up with English!