Monday, September 12, 2005

In the light of dawn

New mom wants warning label on ice cream. There are warnings on cigarettes: hazardous to your health. Pregnant women are warned from taking all sorts of medicines, home remedies and foods including herbal teas. New moms need to know that ice cream can be hazardous to one's mental and physical well being.

Ivan and I had a real bad night and I only now made the association of 8pm ice cream snack and my son's sugar buzz from 2-5am. It was BAD, we tried all the tricks and nothing worked. We tried everything you are not supposed to do and it still didn't work. I had one of those near breakdown moments as I tried to nurse him and it felt like my insides were crawling and ready to explode. When I couldn't take it any more, I took him into our bed, hoping he would surrender to the sleep he needed, but instead he crawled, climbed and clawed at me and his newest victim, his dad. Finally, after hours awake, I resign myself to a night with Ivan on the floor together. At some point, he fell asleep, while I tossed and turned in discomfort. Then it happened...

The room was steadily brightening and despite my weariness, my brain was refusing further attempts at sleep. I looked toward Ivan, whom I had to comfort all through our night's "carpet time" and in the light of dawn all became new. I forgot the lack of sleep and frustration and looked upon sheer beauty. He was totally at peace in body and spirit. Fresh sunlight played over his features and words can not describe his perfect loveliness. He was breathtaking. First as a wonderfully formed baby, but also as a son of mine- the meaning and ramifications of which are still totally lost on me, almost 11 months into his life. I am constantly amazed and bewildered by the miracle of motherhood, wondering if this is some wonderful dream, praying that it will never end.

1 comment:

GMS said...

I pray such a night never occurs again. Of course, it may but the dawn will bring a new beginning and new insight.